Sunday, September 16, 2012

Learning Outcomes w/ Questions

1) Students will analyze weather conditions and climate in relationship to the
     earth’s sun.

     Which of the following is MOST directly responsible for the different seasons on Earth?
      a. rotation of the Earth on its axis
      b. revolution of the Earth around the sun
      c. phases of the moon
      d. position of other planets in the solar system

Essay: Explain how rotation, revolution and tilt affect our Earth's climates.
2) Students will explain changes in societies, which have lead to the diverse uses of 
     physical features.
   Which of the following is an innovation that has modified the environment and had the effect
    of making better energy development and improved farming?
     a. terracing
     b. nuclear plants
     c. polders
     d. dams

3) Students will locate and describe human and physical features that influence the
     size and distributions of settlements.

          All of the following affect the location of cities EXCEPT ______________
            a. location of resources
            b. types of transportation
            c. fertile soil
            d. economic activities


At September 10, 2012 at 12:58 PM , Blogger wallis said...

Lora, your objectives are well constructed and written.

At September 10, 2012 at 4:52 PM , Blogger Marsha Mullins said...

Very nice.

As I read the second outcome, I am not sure I understand what your trying to say. Could you expand on it?

Marsha Mullins


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